2.0 / A New Mark
With SCOUT’s first mark, I was very clear with what I wanted and precise with the visual direction.
As SCOUT evolved, however, it didn’t quite capture the essence of all that we do – especially as a purpose-driven company. So, we did what we do best, put our search skills to work and found Mattia Forza, Web & Identity Brand Designer & Owner, of Unique Design (UNQ) based in Vicenza, Italy.
Mattia Forza, Owner & Designer of Unique Design
After several Skype meetings, long notes passing through the digital night and healthy debates, Mattia delivered a mark that embodies the very heart of what we, at SCOUT, love to do – build trust & develop partnerships. Without these two very critical areas of focus, nothing else can happen – no matter how technically skilled we may be.
Below is an excerpt of my interview with Mattia.
To learn more about Mattia and Unique Design (UNQ) visit: https://mattiaforza.com/ and on Instagram @usetheforza. (Yes, he has a small obsession with Star Wars.)
Grazie mille, Mattia!

Rose Chan Siow: What inspired you to start your own design studio -- Unique Design?
Mattia Forza: I started Unique Design in 2007. I had to design an app UI and I had a few small requests for logo designs so I thought that signing my graphic design projects with my name was wrong and that using a more "cool" name would have helped me to place myself as more professional and skilled. Actually, this was not true but in the end I decided to keep using it. Around two years ago I thought it was about time to refresh a bit [of] my personal branding so I rebranded from Unique Design to UNQ. This is my brand name now but I'm also using way more my own name to introduce myself as a professional.
RCS: How do you approach your work?
MF: During all these years I changed my approach to work many, many times. I used to follow the common sense rules and didn't truly apply myself. Gradually, I moved from a more standard and common approach to a more personal, human-centered and strategic one. Lately, I started to call it "the 7 steps branding". I always start with knowing my client and her customers, her dreams and objectives. I then move to a deep research and study phase which will eventually lead me to define a branding strategy and a first visual mood board. Then starts the concept phase where I put all my rough ideas on paper… ONE of these concepts will then be refined and put in vectors and applied to collateral elements and stationery sets. After a few rounds of refinement I will pack everything and deliver my job. If I have to summarize my approach to work: empathy + strategy + logical thinking.
RCS: What's been the greatest challenge as an independent designer?
MF: One of the greatest challenge for sure has been starting. Trusting my skills and giving myself the right value. Also, finding my own way to work, my own way to communicate and develop the projects instead of following what the others were doing – [this is] a long journey that I'm still going through. Well, and all the usual stuff: finding clients, getting paid. But I think I'm slowly getting this sorted.
RCS: What's been the most rewarding aspect as an entrepreneur?
MF: Money? Haha — seriously speaking: reading and hearing words of gratitude. Seeing satisfaction in my clients' eyes; knowing that I had a part in their dream.
RCS: When it comes to communicating with clients, what have you found to be the most productive approach to ensure successful results?
MF: Listening. Understanding what really cares to them and what they deeply dream to achieve. Being human, empathic, friendly. Collaborate as a team and not just as client-professional.
RCS: What brands inspire you?
MF: Apple, for the brand loyalty its fans have. Marketers, for the awesome community they've built. I could continue for hours . . .
What makes Mattia Forza tick:
Favorite city: Dublin, for sure!
Never leaves home without: My iPhone and most likely a blocknote and a pen.
Loves: My wife, my cats, Apple and my nerd soul. Oh, also pizza, Nutella and ice cream.
Last favorite thing read: Right now, I'm reading How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. I'm really enjoying it.
Last favorite thing heard: Probably some song from Linkin Park.